It would be great if we could turn on Canvas for some documents and turn it off for others. Right now, it seems it switches on and off across the board.
under review
Federico E
Thanks, Fred Rivett. What would make Canvas non-obtrusive enough for me to use it across the board is if the document didn't jiggle when I scrolled up and down. A single-click "lock into place" feature, to mimic how the regular Lex doc viewer looks and feels, would let me focus on the document at hand and use the rest of Canvas only whenever I click out of that mode for a panoramic and feature-rich Canvas experience.
Fred Rivett
Yes this is definitely coming soon Federico! A vital feature 100% agree
Fred Rivett
under review
Ah fair point that Federico. Being honest our top goal now is to get Canvas into shape so it can work for all docs, so probably won't be spending time on this tweak soon but if it looks like getting canvas to work for all docs is taking longer than expected we can consider this!