This is the example the top one is what being written the bottom is what being copied from markdown button
Testing using all different kind of symbols
and characters to ensure proper formatting. Here are some examples: @#$%^&*, plus basic punctuation like .,;:!? and quotation marks "". Also testing numbers (123) and mathematical symbols (+/-). Let's include some brackets [square], {curly}, and (parentheses). Finally, checking how it handles emojis 😊 and special characters like é, ñ, and ß. These symbols help verify system compatibility.
Testing using all different kind of symbols
and characters to ensure proper formatting. Here are some examples: @#$%^&\*, plus basic punctuation like .,;:!? and quotation marks "". Also testing numbers (123) and mathematical symbols (+/-). Let's include some brackets \[square\], {curly}, and (parentheses). Finally, checking how it handles emojis 😊 and special characters like é, ñ, and ß. These symbols help verify system compatibility.
It's always add \ thats not there before, before the symbol * and [] if you copy the whole document using markdown button in the share menu